With all cooler or warmer days ahead, how do we keep motivated and inspired to cycle during the changing seasons?
Here are a few ways to set your mindset during the change of seasons and to keep you motivated:
Set goals: Start with a small goal but make it fun. Find a local ride or any active event. Be accountable by setting goals on Strava or any other sports app.
Make it a priority: It can be a little challenging if you have a busy schedule. It is best to find a doable solution. Remember it takes twenty-one days to start a new habit. Your favorite late-night show or rather go to bed early to feel refreshed.
Plan a regular workout time: Find your best time, either early in the morning or after work. Most committed athletes train the same time every day.
Don’t let the weather stop you: Never let the weather be a barrier to your training schedule. Do not miss cycling day.
Don’t waste time. Make your rides count. If you are out of the door, then get a good ride in. Get going with a plan and do it!
Surround yourself with active people. It is very important to have friends that have the same outlook on life. You can also find and join an active group on many of the social networking sites like Strava.
Keep it simple. Do not complicate things. No need to worry about ideal gear. Just start riding some trails, and you’ll figure out the rest later.
Use social media. Many likes to use social media such as Instagram, Twitter, or more fitness specific ones. Telling your followers about your workouts makes you feel accountable You may inspire someone.
Reward yourself: NEW KIT DAY! After training for many hours, you deserve a little something. Even loading new music into the iPhone can spark your workouts.

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