Everything you need to know before buying an eMTB! EMTB markets are growing! Most bikes today come with several e-mountain bike models and its selection continues to grow. How can I navigate the huge selection of motorcycle accessories? What should I look for to get my bike in good shape for riding?
Our goal is to help you make a better decision. This buyer guide is meant to answer the most crucial question of all beginners. In this first section, we explain all the essential information needed to get started using eMTBING. After we give you some ideas for choosing the perfect bike for you and then we show you the best places to buy your bicycle.

Should my next bike be an eMTB?
Big questions right? Many will say no, but some of you are very curious as well.
PROS: Battery & power, ride up hill much faster and if your a busy person now you have more time for the downhills, you can keep up with your fit riders now and add more equipment to your bike like panniers.
CONS: Yes going up hills may be easier but many people climb hills to get fit not to say you cannot get fit on an e-MTB, e-Bikes are more expensive on the pocket. Check out out entry level e-bikes. CLICK HERE.
Also they are pricey when it comes to looking after your bike like your drivetrains, tires and break pads. Lastly they not that easy to transport specially on bike racks.
Should electric mountain bikes be your next ride?
With the recent explosion of electric mountain bikes, it can be easy to forget that traditional models remain viable vehicles – especially amongst finely-engineered mountain bikes. You just can’t beat the satisfaction of conquering a long and challenging journey, powered solely by your own determination. For this feeling, almost nothing can match a pedal-powered mountain bike and a trail of your choice.
While an eMTB may offer some advantages over its traditional counterpart (such as improved range and speed), these benefits aren’t necessarily always worth the price tag. In fact, an eMTB might not even be needed if you have a well-developed trail system near you! If so, consider purchasing a classic pedal-powered mountain bike instead.
What is the range on my e-MTB?
Range is dependant on a number of factors, such as terrain and assistance level. The theoretical range can easily be calculated in time, assuming a maximum support speed of 25km/h.
Time [h] = Battery Capacity [W.h] / Motor Power* [W]
Distance [km] = Speed [km/h] x Time [h]
*Assistance levels have different Power demands.
The calculated distance is mathematical, and does not take into account external factors.
It should be considered as a guide, when planning a ride.
How to ride an electric bicycle
What about maintenance on my e-MTB?
This differs depending on the brand of the drive system your bike is fitted with.
The Shimano system is sealed and has no serviceable parts.
The Bafang service light comes on every 5000km, this is generally when the system should be serviced. This service is very basic and includes things such as new grease and cleaning out the system.
In conclusion, if you're an avid mountain biker and looking for a new challenge, an eMTB might be the right choice for you. With its powerful electric motor, you can explore more challenging terrain and cover greater distances with ease.
Additionally, eMTBs are eco-friendly and can help reduce your carbon footprint.
When it comes to choosing an eMTB, Silverback bikes are a great option. They are well-known for producing high-quality bikes that are designed for performance, durability, and comfort.
Silverback eMTBs are equipped with reliable and efficient motors, premium components, and advanced suspension systems that provide a smooth and comfortable ride even on rough terrain.
Ultimately, the decision to buy an eMTB comes down to personal preference and what you want to get out of your mountain biking experience. If you're up for a new challenge and want to explore more of the great outdoors, an eMTB from Silverback bikes is a great choice that will not disappoint.
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