What is bike packing?
Bikepacking screams adventure – with as little strapped to the bike as possible but carrying all the necessities.
It is a multi-day tour by bike. Sounds fun ey? Tours can be completed on a mixed of terrains or totally off road. This adventure has started to bool in recent years with picturesque images on social media and even races for the loyal riders.
This can be a cheaper activity compared to what we see in the media. You can easily find lots of luggage solution at home.
If you want to invest in purpose-built bags, there are many to choose from like the below images…
Our recommended bikepacking bags:
Important items to invest in:
- Sleeping bag
- Compact stoves
- Waterbottle cages

Bikepacking common mistakes:
- Packing way to much stuff – this will slow you down and take away from the fun. It is important to only pack the essentials. The items that are going to serve you a important purpose on your trip. There is no need to be carting around items that you are never going to use.
- Gear Distribution – It is to really consider evenly distributing your gear on your bike. Your bike will also suffer its handling. Preferably having some weight in a frame bag and a handlebar bag will help your bike have a lower Centre of gravity and result it better.
- Slow down - It is more about going fast enough to get there, but keep a good pace to take in the scenery. There is no real point in busting out the kilometers unless you are on a tight schedule or trying to break a record. Instead stop a immerse yourself in culture, food, communicating with others. And basically be 100% present in the moment at hand. If someone invites you in – GO.
- Not using waterproof gear – you can only imagen that everything will be wet which may result in damaging your gear and belongings.
Which bike should I use:
The best bike to use is the one you have… If you are currently riding a mountain bike on the trail, chances are it will work on a longer stretch. All you need is space on your bike to hang your pannier bags.
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